I have been wanting to go to one ever since middle school because that's when my 24 year-old aunt started going and telling me about it. She's been to Warped about 3 times, supporting and promoting small local bands. Anyway, the Vans Warped Tour has been going on every year since 1995. It first started out for punk rock music but now the line-up features a variety of genres. Bands have different times and stages to be playing at, and it's usually very hot and crowded. Fun. But I can't really say unless I had experienced it myself. That's right, I was never able to go before because my aunt didn't want to "drag me along" before, and my parents thought I wasn't old enough. Well this is the year of 2009, when I turned 16, and my aunt promised to take me to Warped Tour this year.
Boy, I was so excited I nearly knocked the roof of my house over. Ah, no not really. But I was happy, I've been hoping and waiting for that day to come for so long, when it was finally going to happen I was thrilled.
Well, Warped Tour has already ended so I either went or didn't.
I didn't.
My aunt called me last minute and said that her boyfriend was too lazy to drive up and take us to Sacramento, and so I wouldn't be going to Warped Tour this year to see all those amazing bands that I've been dying to see for a long time. I was crushed.
Speechless and silent in anger, I was disappointed yet filled with anguish. It was the biggest let-down at the time, and I happen to not take those very well. False promises aren't really my type of thing. I guess you could even say that I was a bit heartbroken.

But in time, we human bei
ngs tend to get over lost ca
uses and broken promises. I tried to. But every-time it comes up or an unexpected reminder of the event reaches my sight, it really really hurts because I think of "oh that would've been so awesome to be able to go.." I just make it worse for myself and as I grow deeper in regret.
Moral of the story: Don't break promises because broken promises suck.
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